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Six common fingerprint types
Simple Arch

- Focus on safety and protection, strong plasticity
- Love to learn
- Have strong learning ability and adaptability
- Hard-working, introvert, cautious
- Works without complaint
- Likes to follow the steps
- Down to earth, do not like taking risks
Ulnar Loop

- 模仿為主
- 適合團體學習
- 性格較隨和 好人緣
- 具有同理心及親和力
- People-oriented, team player
- Flexible, avoid conflicts, emotional
Radial Loop

- Reverse operation, love to criticize and question
- Unique way of thinking
- Tend to be different and to be a contrarian
- Reverse thinker, creative, impatient
- Curious, role breaker, milestone setter
- Think out of the box
Concentric Whorl

- Independent and proactive personality
- I like to discover and understand things on my own.
- Control goals without being bound by tradition
- Self-centered
- Competitive goal-oriented
- Inflexible, bold, determined
- Aggressive
Composite Whorl

- Resilient and multi-faceted
- Ability to think from multiple perspectives
- Emotional decision makers make inconsistent decisions
- Adaptive, different thinking
- Situational decision maker
-Good communication
- Coordination skills, easily distracted
Peacock's Eye

- Highly creative
- Pursuit of perfection
- High requirements on image and ability
- Expressive, highly perceptive
- Leadership qualities, artistic
- Goal-oriented, inflexible
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