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弧紋 Simple Arch
- 重安全與保護 可塑性強
- 熱愛學習
- 具有很強的學習能力及適應力
- Hard-working, introvert, cautious
- Works without complaint
- Likes to follow the steps
- Down to earth, do not like taking risks
正箕紋 Ulnar Loop
- 模仿為主
- 適合團體學習
- 性格較隨和 好人緣
- 具有同理心及親和力
- People-oriented, team player
- Sensitive
- Flexible, avoid conflicts, emotional
反箕紋 Radial Loop
- 逆向操作 愛作批判及質疑
- 思維方式較獨特
- 傾向與眾不同及唱反調
- Reverse thinker, creative, impatient
- Curious, role breaker, milestone setter
- Think out of the box
斗紋 Concentric Whorl
- 個性獨立 主動積極
- 喜歡自己發現 領悟果斷
- 掌控目標 不受傳統約束
- Self-centered
- Competitive goal-oriented
- Inflexible, bold, determined
- Aggressive
雙斗紋 Composite Whorl
- 具適應力 有多元目標
- 多角度思考能力
- 情緒決策者 決定不一致
- Adaptive, different thinking
- Situational decision maker
- Good communication
- Coordination skills, easily distracted
孔雀眼紋 Peacock's Eye
- 具高度創意
- 追求完美
- 對形象和能力的要求比較高
- Expressive, highly perceptive
- Leadership qualities, artistic
- Goal-oriented, inflexible
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